The UN engineers of morality

Czeslaw Ryszka

On 5 November 2004 UN Human Rights Committee recommended that Poland should liberalize its life protection law. It is alleged that this law is too restrictive and limits woman's freedom. In the situation where there are more deaths than births in Poland and the whole Europe has serious demographic problems, the United Nations demands freedom to kill unborn children. What do the engineers of morality from New York mean? Why should we change our constitution, which protects a conceived child? Referring to this issue Archbishop Jozef Michalik, President of the Polish Episcopate Conference, stated directly that 'the UN's promoting the law to kill unborn children is a shameful example that dishonours human thought'. In fact, the organisation, which was created to protect mankind, more and more often deals with protection against mankind. However, it is good to know that it is the Polish abortion lobby, our feminists and the Parliament left-wing activists that are behind this exceptionally impudent attempt of interference in the democratic decision of an independent country. It is not by accident that the United Nations interferes in the Polish legislation exactly at the moment the supporters of abortion on demand force the Law on Planned Parenthood, prepared in the Parliament by the SLD. I want to mention that the draft introduces solutions, which permit killing conceived children (abortion on demand) not only during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy but till the moment of delivery, for example if a pregnancy can cause deterioration of woman's condition or when a conception was the result of rape. It would be also possible to kill unborn children or use contraceptives (including abortion pills) without any age limit. In case of teen girls their parents' consent is not necessary. I am convinced that the above-mentioned recommendation is the result of lobbing of extreme feministic Polish organisations, which falsely informed against Poland about human rights abuses. Certainly, false data concerning illegal abortions or cases of forcing women to have children were given to the UN Human Rights Committee. Among others the report of the Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning says that there are 80,000-200,000 illegal abortions in Poland each year. Where did the Federation take the data from and what a big difference in number? And most of all, if anyone has gathered concrete data about crimes one should pass the cases to the public prosecutor's office. Each case should be punished. These data are simply made up. This is not the only case of misleading the public opinion the Federation attempted. Similarly, they reported 10,000 rapes in Poland last year whereas the Ministry of Interior and Administration informed about 2,322 rapes. By giving bigger numbers and false data it is attempted to liberalise the law, which protects life. It is some kind of absurd when violation of law becomes a basis to its abolition! It is as if the Parliament, considering numerous cases of theft, passes a law that permits politicians and ministers stealing!
Yet, everybody knows that the Act on family planning, human embryo protection and conditions of permissibility of abortion (the law was passed in 1993) yields positive fruit, which governmental reports confirm each year. It means that the UN recommendation is an element of pressure on the MPs. Is it allowed? Where is the 'modern world' heading when the UN itself rejects its essential assumption - the Human Rights Declaration - and the statement that all people are free and equal in dignity and rights, and everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person? All people, but not a conceived child who is denied to have human characteristics, and consequently fundamental rights, including the right to life. And yet a conceived child has its own DNA, often a different blood group than his/her mother, in other words a child is a completely separate human being.
The Polish government has not reacted to the UN reprimands so far. Who knows, perhaps the government intends to yield to the feminist lobby, falsifying the truth about man and promoting falsely understood equality for men and women. Democracy is the best system we have known but it should not undermine the basic truth about woman's call to motherhood and cannot promote a model of a woman, who is not only emancipated from family and motherhood but also from almost all moral principles. One cannot accept the recommendations of the UN engineers of morality, who claim that 'an emancipated woman' should cohabit and use contraceptives. Why? Because feminism treats marriage as a purely biological fact, takes it away from the mystery of life, which grows under mother's heart. Such a purely materialistic concept of motherhood will eventually take a deadly revenge on humankind. One can already see this in the plague of the so-called partner relationships, which eliminate the difference between sexes, promote enmity towards marriage and family, which allegedly enslave women. What spiritual dimension in partner relationships can we speak of? What about offering of mutual love? But as John Paul II teaches, one can reach a common aim only in marriage between man and woman: this aim is procreation, offspring, family and at the same time steadily increasing maturity of relationships in all fields that matrimony brings. In other words, the essential cause for marriage and family is the lasting union of human persons. We are living in a democratic country. We are free people, have the right and duty to resist evil, to counteract depravation of conscience, delusion of public opinion and promotion of immoral behaviour. Let us not yield to the contemporary engineers of morality and godless feminists. For the time being the Polish law protects life from conception to natural death. Surely, there will be attempts to assassinate life but it is up to us whether these attempts are reduced to the above-mentioned recommendations, which are all the same to us.

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: