As long as there are most Christians in Poland and Europe, we must get organized.

The last April session of the European Parliament in Strasburg. We are entering this beautiful city, passing a new big mosque. Soon we get to the main headquarter of the Parliament, from whose windows one can see a thousand-year-old cathedral, with only one tower. It was not possible to complete another one. It is not only that, as I think, a symbolic image of today’s European Union, or Europe as its apologists say. This organization has just celebrated its 60th anniversary of existence. Main ceremonies were held in Rome, where in 1957 the famous Roman treaties were signed.

Initiators were Christian democrats then. Christians means those who publicaly admit to Risen Christ. Two of them (Robert Schumann and Alcide de Gasperi) are candidates to be beatified of the Catholic Church. The basis of the European culture, understood in a complex way, was Christianity. At present a lot of societies are getting secularized or Islamized, but this is not a reason to forget about our roots, tradition, history and faith. More and more people perceive this alleged carefree as a deliberate and long-term action. An alarm bell was the mentioned EU ceremonies during which there was no hesitation about the Europe identity, that is, Christianity. There were discussions on more important, that is, ‘top’ issues, like rights of the lesbians, gays….that is, LGBTI.

It shows what priorities the European Union has got, what it promotes, and what it is ashamed of. This idyllic image is destroyed by initiatives like the one which came from Częstochowa, from Jasna Góra, that is, Europa Christi. The Honourable Editor-in-Chief of the weekly ‘Niedziela’ Fr. Inf. Ireneusz Skubiś said publicly that Europe belongs to Christ. Allegedly everybody knows about it, but the motto has arisen a lot of emotions, certainly the negative as well. The very statement for the EU creators, called recently in the EP ‘mafia’, in the gentlest version sounds as: ‘the king is naked’. One, two symposia, several speakers, ministers of the Polish government and a letter of the former prime minister, and the issues began to take on a form. Groups, not visible so far, have got electrized, like the Institute of Schuman’s thoughts, whose chairperson, at a special conference, announces ‘promotion of ideas of Europe, based on Christian values’. It means it is possible. As long as the Christians are the majority in Poland and Europe, it is necessary to get organized. Indeed, what is concerning is the fact that as usually during similar initiatives there appear people of not necessarily sincere intentions, wanting to remove them or wash them off the content. It may turn out that jus their hands will be holding the signboard ‘Christian Europe’.


„Niedziela” 16/2017

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: