We are with the Holy Father with our whole heart, who has returned from the far-away Brazil. We were watching beautiful pictures which were coming from the far-away country, from behind the ocean. We were admiring the faces of young people with sparkling eyes. Young boys and girls from the whole world arrived in this wonderful Southern-American land, in order to sing their youth together, in order to show – as the pope Francis says – that through a window of youth, the world looks more beautiful and better. This is the way we should see the world, our planet of Earth, and human life on it – the life of a conscious being, gifted by God with wonderful features, especially the reason and freedom. This is the most important and the most beautiful in the human being, which builds a definition of the human being. It is also the basis for normal way of treating the reality.

The World Youth Days – a mirror of the truth about the human being

On the World Youth Days young boys and girls gather together, as well as young men and women. This biological base is the natural law. As the Holy Scripture says, God created the human being as a man and a woman (see Genesis 1.27). So, the base of sexes is something basic in the global forum. It does not even come to anybody’s mind that somebody at such worldly meetings would think about homosexual relations, about such initiatives like the choice of a sex, as, for example, the representatives of the movement of Palikot want in their proposition in the seym, which had luckily been rejected in our parliament before the first reading. These people are opting for gaining a particular sex through judicial process, through a statement. It is a breach of the whole law and order and normality which are based on the fact that the basis for functioning of life, including the life of the country, is respecting biological laws, that is, that the human being is born as a man or a woman and grows up in a normal family, doing everything which serves to the realization of his masculinity or her femininity.

Whereas the MP Anna Grodzka, the former Mr. Krzysztof Będkowski, husband and father, wants to introduce a system of understanding the reality of the whole life. Certainly, this is a sneaky entering into the rights of our nation, in order to achieve a possibility of contracting marriages of the same sex and even adoption of children by these couples.

We are shocked by the news that such a bold legislation is going to be implemented in Poland. Does the whole judicial system know that such attempts are the breach of the constitution and the whole legal reality. This is the reason that the Spokesman of Children’s Rights should start reacting because these are just children’s rights which are breached and endangered here. It has not been heard so far that the spokesman would be going to express his opinion on this issue or intervene in this matter.

They are fighting about us and for us

It must be admitted that only parliamentarians of the Law and Justice Party express their opinions on this issue loudly and explicitly. And here is my answer to the allegations of some people that the Church or such institutions as our editorial office support some political parties: because when everybody, who should have expressed their opinions long time ago, keep silent, these are MPs and senators from these political parties who are fighting about normality in Poland. They even put themselves at risk for clergy who should shout much more because there is a lot of breach of God’s order.

I will recall here the recent Nation-wide Congress of the Catholics under the motto: ‘Stop atheisation’, which was held in Jasna Góra. During the debates among the others, also the MPs of the Law and Justice Party, including the representatives of other Catholic centres, were discussing the situation of the Church in our country, pointed out to some points, in which one can see the actions of the government aimed against Catholic and Christian rights and values. The Law and Justice Party is courageous enough to claim for God’s laws in our Homeland.

Therefore, we must appreciate all these opinions which defend normality, emphasizing who should represent the Catholic nation in the parliament. For, it is necessary that in the future, the nation should sensibly vote for people who will be its realistic representatives. It is also important that the nation should learn about the truth about processes taking place in economy, about the realistic state of the country; so that not ‘poles’ or the so-called piar would define who is supposed to be decision-maker, but the truth because something new can be built only on it, only the truth can prove the respect for the nation. Deception towards the nation is the biggest sin, because it generates the magnitude of involuntary evil. ‘Sin, a big sin is to deceive an ordinary nation’ – says an old woman in the book by Zofia Kossak ‘Golden freedom’. – The nation cannot know the truth by itself. How would it know?....A scholar, knowing how to write, should teach, say….Because a soul can be lost, not knowing…’ And we should not be deceived by the common electoral promises – we have enough politicians who deceived us with a ‘Green Island’ and the ‘Modern Japan’.

We do not want to be children of a defeat

We, as citizens, are in a very poor country, unfortunately, through financial malfeasance, abuses and corruption. It will not surely be easy to govern it, with the lack of the general morality of media and with many mass media which are hostile to Poland and Poles. But only wise, honestly pursued policy can save our country. We need a big injection of patriotism and the sense of solidarity, especially in a situation when the public debt grew up to enormous sizes and we will have to pay off the debt for many years, which was caused by the current laid-back team of the prime minister Donald Tusk with the famous minister Jacek Vincenty-Rostowski.

Although we are very sad by constant attacks of atheists, we must undertake a fight about normality in Poland, so that atheism would not devour our identity. We must organize ourselves with the thought about the future. We believe that Blessed Mother of Jasna Góra , taking care of us as the Queen of Poland, will come to us with help. Because only this supernatural help can save us. All other factors point to the fact that we may be children of a defeat. We should remember that Poland has often been saved in history, thanks to the Gospel, Divine Commandments and the Church. Now, also in the unity with the Church we should stand to a multidimensional fight against the crisis overwhelming us. All of us should undertake this fight. Here the Church gives us the best warranty and justification, and it is better and more reliably to build something in the light of its social teaching.


"Niedziela" 32/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: