For three evenings, the German film entitled ‘Our mothers, our fathers’ was hosted in Polish houses. For presenting this film of the German propaganda in the Polish TV station TVP, Juliusz Braun should add von before his surname. And can he receive a German award of a deserved Poles’ enemy , for example, Stressmann? He also deserves an award for a choice of debaters after the emission.

Anti-Polish historical policy

‘Our mothers, our fathers’ is the purest bloom of the German propaganda machine, falsified from the beginning to the end. Generally and in details. It is difficult to acknowledge that the film produced in the public German television is an accidental thing. It is surely an important element of historical policy of Germany, aiming at sharing responsibility for a war with ‘sub-people ‘ of Eastern Europe. Let’s begin with a general lie – the war starts in 1941 for the five of the brave German heroes from Berlin! – in the year of the attack on the Soviet Union. There was no aggression against Poland, there was no invasion onto France and whole Europe. So, there is no reason to speak about German crimes on the Polish land, about KL Auschwitz built in 1940, about Pawiak, roundups, terror. The five young Berlin inhabitants did not hear about the persecution of the Jews, although there is a son of a Jewish tailor among them, the victim of the crystal night. The four of them are simply going on a front, in order to fight for homeland. As it is so at war. In the last episode, one of the heroes will even say: ‘we set off to fight three years ago, in order to save our nation’. They were not aggressors, they were going to ‘save the nation’. Through the provocation of Gliwice, the attack on Westerplatte and Wolborn, through burnt villages and towns, they were going in order to save a big German nation. Anyway, it is possible that in another German film we may find out that, for example, the provocation of Gliwice was caused by Polish sub-people. And it may also be so, that also our home ‘debunkers’ will turn out to be explorative – men Pasikowski and Kryształowicz?

Seen from the perspective of master race

This film not only slanders the National Army, but is openly and cynically anti-Polish; made both from the perspective of the nation’s favourite Beethoven and Adolf Hitler’s perspective of the master race, super-people’s race.

The German heroes of the film are faultless, innocent and have meticulous consciences. Around them there are some Sturmbannfuhrers but even they do good to the Jews.

In German trenches, somewhere near Kursko, a young recruiter is dreaming about studies in Heidegger, as it befits a pupil of the high German culture. And our heroes are doing miracles of the meticulousness of the conscience, for example, a nurse Charlotte, who reports on a Ukrainian Jewish woman at first, but then she sheds tears when the Jewish woman is taken away by Gestapo. And she converts to humanity. Could not it have been so? Surely, it used to be, individually – in ‘Our mothers, our fathers’ it is raised to the rank of generalization. For, the five protagonists are a symbol of ‘normal’ German nation, surrounded indeed by various abusers, from the sign of SS and Gestapo, but it is a healthy tissue of Germanness. When the ‘ordinary


"Niedziela" 26/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl