We can see the crisis of marriage and family in the world more often. Its reason is defined as the current sexual revolution, being the mark left behind after the revolution begun by Lenin in Soviet Russia. Its purpose was to bring liberation from all kinds of moral restrictions which were identified with Christianity, and particularly with Catholicism, treated as the last fortress of Puritanism. The expression of freedom was to be mainly sexual freedom. And how is it today? Recently prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski has noted that the European leftist party treats Poland as an object of aggression, as it does not fit European tendencies, so it is necessary to make it an exemplary ‘progressing’ training ground as soon as possible, as it is in Belgium or France. A discussion about women’s rights in Poland, planned in Strasburg, is to serve this strategy. So, there is interference into the category of a cultural and political fight, because this is also an issue of developing competences of the European Parliament in direction to decreasing a possibility of deciding about one’s life and one’s system of values by national countries, which influences the lifestyle of citizens. By the way of the announced discussion in Strasburg, there was also a ‘black protest’ organized outside the Seym and ‘black Monday’, that is, ‘women’s strike’. This ‘black spurt’ is an aggressive reaction to further works initiated by the Seym in the commission, concerning the draft ‘Stop to abortion’, envisaging definite ban of abortion. The view of participants of ‘black protests’ is shocking. It looks as if death came out into our streets.

Another fact proving cultural barbarism is promoting pornography, blasphemy and detest towards the Catholics, under the pretext of art freedom. Recently, this type of show took place on the Polish Theatre in Bydgoszcz. It is difficult to express what was happening on 25 September 2016 on the stage of this theatre because the very description of the spectacle entitled: ‘Our violence and your violence’ can be perceived in the category of blasphemy. Therefore, I will quote somebody’s words from a fragment of a letter addressed to the director of the mentioned theatre by an MP Anna Sobiecka. We read in it: ‘The presented spectacle was shocking with pornography, included obscene and blasphemous scenes. I particularly mean the moment when a naked Muslim woman is touching her intimate parts of her body, in order to take out a rolled Polish flag from them. Moreover, the play director used his in order to mock at Jesus’ death on the cross, by showing a scene in which a person playing the role of Christ commits a rape on an Arabian girl’.

One can ask a question, how to react in such scandalous situations….The answer was suggested by the Polish Television, which announced the change of TV program on the day when women planned their protest in the streets, in order to demand their rights to kill children. TVP decided to broadcast a film by Grzegorz Braun at that time, entitled: ‘Eugenics. In the name of progress’, showing consequences of ‘play in God’ in reference to the human life. A perfect answer to the moral barbarism is also given by Cracow which in the church of St. Wojciech on the Main Square undertakes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every evening within the project ‘Home Hospital’. This is a prayer mainly in the intention of moral renewal of the city. Reaction to the ‘black marches’ were Holy Masses in Polish churches celebrated on 2 October 2016. Another answer is the Great Repentance of the Nation planned on Saturday 15 October at Jasna Góra. At that time we will be repenting for our sins and sins of all Poles, among the others, for the sins of communism and abortion. Taking the strategy of prayer, one can defend from the modern barbarism.


„Niedziela” 41/2016

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl