You, the beautiful Immaculate Lady of Fatima, delighted the little shepherds: Hiacynta, Francis and Łucja – the first two have already become blessed of the Church. On the days of your apparition in Fatima in 1917, you, Mary, brought us a vision of the world and the Church. We had never been showed it in this way before. At that time, you told the children of Fatima who somehow represented us to you, how important it is to love God and start praying, especially the Rosary prayer and start penance and be converted.

But, besides this message, you, Mother, also showed the suffering pope. So, shortly after the assassination in 1981, the Holy Father John Paul II asked for detailed materials concerning apparitions in Fatima. He was aware that Fatima and pope are a lively relation of the Heaven and the Earth. We are listening to the rhythm of the history of the Church, teaching of popes and we deeply believe that pope Francis through You, Lady of Fatima, is opening the Church a new kind of this relation serving to the whole world.

In the universe we are a small planet. But our Earth is great through the human being who was created for God’s image, through his consciousness and deeds. Are we trying to live consciously, respecting laws established by the Creator of the whole creation? Are we using help enough which is still suggested by the Holy Spirit? Are we looking at the example of Jesus Christ and listening to His teaching?...

The mystery of Fatima was showed to us anew on that October evening of A.D.2013, on the eve of the entrustment of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the current pope – Francis, which is a fulfillment of Your request, Lady, said to the little shepherds in 1917. Since then, unfortunately, humankind has experienced the two world wars, a terrible cruelty, which was caused to the world by the godless atheism of Bolshevism and Nazism. At that holy night of vigil, the world realizes the fact that these are people to be blamed for the human tragedy, because they rejected God and His commandments and made themselves lords of the world, killing and sentencing millions of brothers to incredible sufferings.

So, we express a great gratitude to the Holy Father Francis, that he invited us to this world Rosary prayer towards holy signs of Your, Blessed Mother, presence – the figure of Fatima, arriving at St. Peter’s Square in Rome and images, by which we gather together and which are to prove people in the world that there is a very important counterbalance for the noise of the world and consumerism: the divine service to Our Lady, connected with the desire of conversion and atonement for sins.

In this spirit we must also think about our Homeland, Poland. Let’s note that the attack on Christian Poland is a ruthless and very dangerous attack. Therefore, all Polish believers must stand by the Holy Father Francis and through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother –Omnipotence and the Intercessor in our requests, direct their eyes and hearts to merciful God, in order to ask for time of Divine Peace for our homeland. For, the nation cannot survive which officially grant the ‘right of citizenship’ to the human sin, such as legalization of abortion, euthanasia, the same sex couples, etc. Every man – the image of God – must be treated with great respect, responsibility and love.

Brothers and Sisters, Poles, somehow ennobled by pope Francis with the participation in the worldwide Rosary prayer through the live image transmission: are we aware of the necessity of a constant prayer here, in the sanctuary of Jasna Góra, in front of the Miraculous Image of the Queen of Poland – for the world and conversion of sinners?

Today on 13 October 2013 we are moving in our thoughts and heart to St. Peter’s Square in Rome, in order to accompany the pope Francis in ‘asking for strength for the world – in order to believe, joy – in order to love, confidence – in order to hope’ as archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, the chairman of the Papal Council for the New Evangelization said.

These are very important words because faith makes the man strong, happy and active in goodness and prayer. It is also the best remedy for loneliness.

You, Mary, who reveals Your mercifulness in so many sanctuaries of the world, today you are joining the Divine Church on all continents, so that ask for needed graces for the whole humankind through Francis’ mouth. The prayer of the Holy Father which is the entrustment of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, reminds that You love everybody with motherly love, that you know secrets of our hearts and you know what is in every human soul.

Therefore, our hearts need to cling to Your Immaculate Heart more strongly, so that You would change them and strengthen in love to God and the man, especially the one who needs divine and our mercifulness the most.

The Entrustment Act of the world, prepared by the Holy Father Francis, emphasizes the most important features, which form the attitude of a believer. These are virtues of faith, hope and love. In this spirit the whole Church was praying with the pope. It was a big Rosary of the world reminding that we must love God with all our heart, that we must stick to Divine commandments and follow the Blessed Mother in Her religiousness, in Her greatest devotion to God, which is expressed in Her words: ‘Here I am Lord’s servant, let this happen to me according to your word’ (Lucas 1.38).

Lady of Fatima, in connection with the Holy Father Francis, we are cuddling to Your motherly Heart and we are asking You – Mary of Fatima from Częstochowa and all sanctuaries of the world – lead the humankind and each of us personally to God!


"Niedziela" 42/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl