Leftist media are trying to enforce belief in the public opinion that the anti-abortion movement is a reflection of nationalism, nazism and even communism. This is what another attempt of falsifying history looks like in order to attack the bill draft of life protection of disabled children #StopAbortion

The first country which introduced abortion to a wish was the Soviet Union in 1920, and in 1933 eugenic abortion became a binding law in Nazis Germany. Murdering selection of abortion comprised those mothers who were likely to give birth to disabled children. – Hitler did not have prenatal examinations and could not precisely kill disabled children in mothers’ wombs. But the Nazis had an idea that they would kill ill Germans also after birth – Jacek Januszewski from Foundation Life and Family tells ‘Niedziela’.

An alternative version of history is promoted by prof. Marcin Król, who says on the pages of ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ that ‘all totalitarian systems were ideologically anti-abortion, and then in practice of communist Poland it was different, but by assumption, communism was against it’.

Fair enough, the professor did not hear that Lenin introduced abortion to a wish in 1920, or about communist Cuba or about enforced abortion in China. Indeed, after the war the communists introduced abortion practically in all countries of the eastern bloc, and Poland was not an exception. The effect of the crime is that in Russia 280 million children before birth have been murdered since 1920 till today – which means that over a half of all citizens of the 500-million-peopled European Union were killed.

Concentration camp for refusing abortion

At present western media are trying to enforce belief in the public opinion that access to abortion is the human right. Unfortunately, the same media have been overwhelmed by collective amnesia as they do not remember that, among the others, abortion became the basis for accusing felons in the eighth process in Nuremberg. – In the process the accusation act unambiguously accused German members of SS and officials of the Main Office of Race and Settlement of SS committing the crime against humankind, based on encouraging or forcing non-Aryan women to succumb to abortion, providing them with abortion services and excluding Polish courts from jurisdiction in the issues about committing abortion – reminds an attorney Jerzy Kwaśniewski, the president of the Institute For Legal Culture ‘Ordo Iuris’.

According to findings of investigation of the National Remembrance Institute, the Nazis recommended doing abortion by ‘eastern workers’ to a pregnant woman’s request. – It should be added that when signing a proper statement, women often underwent pressure, and their refusal of signing a proper form entailed serious consequences, including sentencing them to a death camp – says Magdalena Sierocińska from a Commission Department of Persecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Poznań.

In Nuremberg a crime against humankind turned out to not only direct persuading, for example Polish women to have abortion, but the very fact of excluding Polish courts from jurisdiction about ‘abortion to a wish’. According to the letters of officials responsible for this decision, they meant genocide and they hoped that the very permission of abortion supported by other means of demoralization of the Slavic and hard conditions of existence would lead to voluntary killing new generations in the procedure of abortion.

Eugenics - like in Poland

So, Nazis postulates are nearly identified with activity of contemporary pro-abortion groups which are postulating demoralization and enforce belief that abortion will protect ill children from bad existence conditions. What is more, contemporary feminists want restricting doctors’ conscience. In folders of court processes in Nuremberg there are letters in which officials of SS complain, for example, about the general objection of Catholic doctors against doing abortion. In other letters they quote words of a doctor belonging to NSDAP (Nazi Party) who opposes to abortion, because according to him ‘a pregnant woman is always untouchable’.

Another element of the cruel Nazis policy, which connects the Third Reich with the contemporary discussion in Poland, is a supranationalist dimension of eugenics within the T4 Action, that is, ‘liquidation of life unworthy life’. ‘I am asking for grace of death for my son’ – this request was expressed in spring 1939 by a father of his disabled baby.

Psychically ill and disabled women were forced to have abortion and sterilization. To the order of Hitler, there was created a program of killing born babies being a burden for the society. Doctors and midwives were told to report on all cases of born disabled babies, among the others, with the Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, hypoplasia of limbs and paralysis. Babies, whom a commission experts did not give a chance for normal life, were sent to specialized children’s wards where they were to be ‘euthanased’. If the Germans had had ‘weapon’ in the form of USG and prenatal examinations then, their eugenic policy might have looked the same as the one which is being used in Poland today.

Translation: Aneta Amrozik

„Niedziela” 6/2018 (11 II 2018)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
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