Some feelings of embarrassment appear in us, even feelings of disgust, when on TV screens we see or read about the visit of men from the so-called Venice commission, who arrived in order to control our rule of law. How do those from the Civic Platform party and other parties feel, who had reported badly against their own country to the European Union, and everywhere where they could, started an attack on the current rightist government in Poland, and did it for one purpose – to defend their own interests and for fear of revealing the truth. After all, we know who hates strong Poland, caring about its interests, and not giving in the blind steering by domineering countries. It is easy to notice who and why is against the current Poland, one can only look at titles of newspapers and recognize owners, publishers and sponsors. The policy of the current government showed in a short time in the international arena that we are a serious significant country, that we have clear purposes of our strategy which others must respect.

Hungary had earlier freed itself from the dictate of the European Union, whereas Brussels has somehow swallowed it, but had a bigger problem with Poland – a big country in central-eastern Europe, with great history, forming and influencing fates of Europe and the world, in the past and now. It was perfectly noted by the prime minister Beata Szydło in her pronouncement in defence of our national identity in the forum of the European Union. This good Polish defence is going on – many significant foreign visits of the Polish prime minister, ministers, in France, Norway, Great Britain. The visit of the prime minister Cameron to Warsaw, important meetings of ministers of: National Defence and Foreign Affairs in the United States – effective talks, findings in issues important for us – safety, cooperation, migrants. All these initiatives, undertaken with great energy and consistence, a lot of work, pace, as if 24 hours were not enough (some people even ask when they sleep) – it is impossible not to notice this great effort.

Only losers, deprived of authority, are still disturbing, instead of being quiet. But the truth is more visible, despite the aggressive hostile propaganda, the nation can read between lines and there is hope that it will be possible to repair Poland and improve life for all of us, ordinary people.

Only Poland after the Second World War remained without help, all countries were comprised by Marshall’s plan, but these were us who won the communism.

‘Because Your Will and Decision was that we were an example for the world. Example of love, truth and conscience’. – this motto of all Polish uprisings, National Army soldiers, insurgents of Warsaw and Solidarity is repeated, written on tables, monuments, sung for centuries, and is obliging for us today.


„Niedziela” 8/2016

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl