In Poznan the show of the blasphemous spectacle ‘Golgotha picnic’ has been stopped. Protests of the Catholics brought an intended result. The directors of the Festival Malta, cancelling the spectacle, was explaining it for fear of protests. Let’s remind that the festival is financed to much extent from the public means, from the budget of the state and ministry and companies of the state treasury.

What was impossible to carry out in Poznan, was later realized in other cities of Poland. Not only was the spectacle presented, but also its recording. It caused the protest of Christian groups everywhere. ‘It is unacceptable and deserves our consistent protest. Even if it is to be only a projection of the spectacle, considering what has been happening in the recent time in Poznan and in our whole country, it is somehow a kind of mockery at the Christians, the Catholics, who clearly expressed their concern and emphasized that they did not agree to slandering the death of Christ on the cross’ – we read in the statement of the Diocesan Curia in Bydgoszcz. ‘The archdiocese of Cracow expresses a consistent protest against presenting the pseudo-performance ‘Golgotha picnic’ in the papal city, with explicit pornographic signs, insulting religious feelings of the Catholics. The appeal for the boycott of the pseudo-performance – which is to be presented in the Old Theatre and the New Theatre – is addressed by us to all people of good will, and we hope that its performers will withdraw from the intended venture’ – Fr. Dr. Robert Necek from Cracow wrote. In Lodz the chancellor of the curia Fr. Zbigniew Tracz emphasized in a message that ‘When we should take more care of children, lost young people and families, they are depraved and deprived of all values’. In this city information was also submitted to the procurators about the insult of religious feelings and there appeared an appeal for the rosary prayer before the projection. A similar protest was also made by the curia of Warsaw. Local governments, in majority, generously financing institutions in which there were the performances, explained tortuously, that they did not have any impact on the selection of the repertoire. Everything looked as a planned provocation. Protests brought a success in Lublin where the blasphemous performance was cancelled.


"Niedziela" 27/2014

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: