Elections for the European Parliament will be held on 25 May 2014. Poland in the next 5-year-old term of office will be represented by 51 euro-deputies in the parliament of 766 members. I do not have to add how important the current elections are because they are going to be held in the extremely difficult moment: the whole free world is looking how the European Union will behave towards aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Will the EU and NATO defend territorial integrality of Ukraine? Will it not end like in a joke: Russia seized Kremlin, and EU – prepared an important position!

The prime minister Donald Tusk and the chief of the Foreign Ministry Radosław Sikorski changed a front towards Russia by 180 degrees, frighten Poles with a war, present their actions as the only ones which will not lead to the war. Instead they demand support for the Civic Platform in the European elections. They started ‘opposing’ a bit too late, because it was the deceased president Lech Kaczyński who warned during the war in Georgia that Russia considers only arguments of force. Hence, there is such a weak impression made in Moscow by EU ‘positions’ and American sanction. So far, the main perpetrator of Kremlin aggression – Władimir Putin does not care about the world indignation and, what is more, he is boasting on being in a permanent phone touch with the strongest player in the Union – the German chancellor Angela Merkel.

We do not know how new euro-deputies will behave towards Russia but we hope they will defend integrality of Ukraine so consistently as euro-parliamentarians with their ending term of office, who were fighting against the family. Unfortunately, in the last resolution passed on 4 February 2014 in Strasburg, the European Parliament took on its attitude for lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersexuals(called LGBTI) discriminated in EU countries. Euro-deputies demand that the governments of EU countries counteract the so-called homophobia, and introduce a range of privileges for the above mentioned sexual minorities, including the right for contracting marriages and adopting children. The document calls for the mutual acknowledgement of consequences of legal couples – including homosexual couples – in all EU countries. It means, for example, that in Poland we will have to amend the Constitution and provisions of family law, in order to consider demands of the homosexuals.

It proves that the new European Parliament should consist of wise and experienced politicians from our country, as well as experts of family and international law, intellectualists and also moral people. Are such candidates on political parties’ lists?

Apart from surnames, for the Civic Platform Brussels is a place of exile for former unsuccessful ministers, politicians who became losers in political parties’ competitiveness, finally for many famous people who do not have any idea about public matters. On lists of the Polish People’s Party there are most important candidates in political parties, which does not mean that when they receive mandate, they will take advantage of it. In the Polish People’s Party we have surnames of famous sportsmen, Olympic winners, representatives of countries and medal-winners. What made them to let others use them? In the Your Movement party there are people engaged in the fight against the family, the Church and patriotism – let electors treat them in a suitable way.

The Law and Justice party, which experienced the departure of many euro-deputies to the Poland Comes First party and Solidary Poland party, and even to the Civic Platform party, gave the high positions to deserved and faithful politicians, and also known and competent professors. They are going to strengthen quite a weak fraction of conservatists and reformers in the European Parliament which is fighting for memory about Christian roots of Europe or defends matters important for Poland, like a complete explanation of the air crash at Smoleńsk.

After European elections we are going to face the whole cycle of elections – the local elections in autumn and next year – parliamentary and presidential elections. The first ones will decide about the victory in next elections. But it is not the main motif to be successful, but to improve the governance in our country. At present it is hopeless: there is not a sphere about which we would not complain. Therefore, our participation in the elections is so important. It depends on each of us, what Poland will be like, whet our families will be like, as well as upbringing and education of our children, our safety, our future.

It depends on our elections what politicians and clerks will be like, whom they will serve to: the common welfare or a mammon. Therefore, we must ‘look into’ candidates’ consciences (we are already looking into their pockets, because on Internet there are their assets statements). A properly formed conscience means that false hopes should not be roused for the need of won elections. Therefore, an euro-politician should consider, besides his care about the common welfare, the Polish raison d’etat. It means that such values should be close to him, to which our fathers and grandfathers were faithful at the price of blood and sacrifice. It is all about our national identity, culture, sense of belonging to the Polish community. Shortly speaking – people of conscience should be elected who are honest and competent and consider the common welfare but people from dishonest political parties caring only about collecting votes and not caring about Poland, should be eliminated.


"Niedziela" 15/2014

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: