We, journalists focused in the Częstochowa Branch of the Catholic Association of Journalists, appreciating both Christian values and freedom in social and professional life, without which one cannot fulfill journalistic mission with dignity, at the moment of the announcement of an extra contest concerning a place on the digital multiplex for a broadcaster of social-religious profile by the National Broadcasting Council about, submit a definite appeal about granting concession for Television Trwam in this system.

In the information on an extra contest on its website the National Broadcasting Council refers to carried out social consultations, resulting in the fact that the will of the society is to grant a place to the social-religious TV station Trwam on the multiplex. Freedom in social and professional life demands to acknowledge a voice expressed in nearly 150 demonstrations and 2.5 million signatures of Poles in the democratic country.

In the recent time we have been experiencing constant attacks in the religious space of the Catholics in Poland. As journalists working in Częstochowa, we are experiencing sacrilege extremely painfully, which was committed towards Our Lady of Częstochowa. Beside this act of sacrilege, there were also others: arson and destruction of doors of two churches in Częstochowa; profanation in the hospital chapel in Czeladź where after the burglary into the chapel the Blessed Sacrament was desecrated and sacred vessels were stolen; profanation of the graveyard of Ursuline Nuns in Pniewy near Poznań; robbery and destruction of statues from the town’s crib in Zgierz; arson of the crib on the Great Market in Szydłowiec…The main reason of these actions is the lack of respect to sacrum, to God, to what is the blessed. Can these values be noticed or learnt in the previous presented TV programs? It seems that the most effective way for the formation of the society for those nationwide values is placing them in an ideologically good media transmission. Such values are surely transmitted by Television Trwam.

In the information of the National Broadcasting Council about conditions of receiving the concession we read that broadcaster is supposed to prepare programs in the spirit of the teaching of the Holy See and in the unity with the Polish Episcopate. The Holy See – both in the person of the blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI - expressed its deep approval for the actions of Radio Maryja and Television Trwam. So, which broadcaster applying for a possibility to broadcast programs of social-religious character can have similar references?

Facing such an aggressive way of treating believers in our country, one should consider a possibility of granting a place on the second multiplex to the Catholic broadcaster in the future, who will be able to broadcast educational programs for children and the youth, educating humanistic attitudes, friendly to other people and historical knowledge, being a complement of insufficient educational programs.

We are aware that among journalists working in secular media there are many Catholics aware of responsibility for Poland and Poles today and tomorrow, who care about promoting generally-human and Christian values. We also count for their support.

Professional solidarity tells us to stand in the defense of Television Trwam so important for Poland.

Board of the Branch of Częstochowa Catholic Association of Journalists:

Mariusz Książek - Chairman
Fr. Dr. Marek Łuczak - Vice-President
Katarzyna Kalinin - Treasurer
Anna Ludwig - Secretary
Fr. inf. Ireneusz Skubiś - Member of the Board
Lidia Dudkiewicz - Member of the Board

Czestochowa, 31 December 2012


"Niedziela" 2/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: