Today it is time to build Poland of our dreams

In the recent weeks a part of opposition is strengthening the atmosphere of threat in Poland. It is popularizing slogans about allegedly endangered democracy and encourages for a ‘Polish-Polish’ war. What is more, continuing the disgraceful tradition from the past, makes reports against Poland to various institutions. Whatever the democratically elected authorities in Poland will do, at once there appears a choir of round-table in mainstream media, who, on behalf of the ‘progress and democracy camp’, are warning Poland and the world against ‘the assassination on constitution’ and ‘a wave of fascism’.

Is it really so bad, or maybe is it all about something different? The question is rhetorical because there is no threat to democracy in Poland. Whereas, under the cover of protection of the Third Polish Republic, representatives of interests groups, excluded from profits in Poland – thanks to the victory of the Law and Justice Party in parliamentary election – are mobilizing power against this government. Leaders of the Modernity Party and the Civic Platform Party are competing about priority in being ‘anti-Law and Justice party’. These two political groups want to defend the model of the country built after the year 1989, which is friendly to the privileged, but not in solidarity with the rest of the society.

The unprecedented victory of the Law and Justice party, giving this group an independent majority in the Seym and the Senate, would not have been possible if a big part of the society had not decided that it was fed up with the previous glorification of the Round Table policy. It was this piece of furniture at which a part of the opposition had had debates and the so-called reformers from the authority camp of that time. What is ridiculous is the fact that even wise people haste to say so about many participants of the debates: ‘People from the both sides of the round table’. However, the round table was round not to have any sides…As a result of this contract on 4 June 1989 there was a partly free election which gave the beginning to the Third Polish Republic. However, from the beginning it was infected with a dangerous illness which restricted chances for a normal development.

At that time fundamental mistakes were made and the reality surrounding us, derives from those actions. A ‘think line’ was announced in order to protect functionaries of the previous system, due to which the Third Polish Republic was not cut off with a clear moral and political censorship from communist Poland. No system rules of the country were implemented which would guarantee an authentic political and media pluralism, nor effective administration. No social- economic plan was realized, which would be thought out, long-time and beneficial for Poles and which lead to a necessary modernization of the country, or opening up to development, and dividing costs of transformation, so as to unite citizens of the countries regaining freedom with it.

So, was the chance, which the Round Table had opened, used in a good way and weren’t those enthusiasm and hope accompanying those events of 1989, wasted? Was the economic transformation – presented as a great success – successful and were the costs of economic changes shared in a fair and solidarity way? Or, were ‘the equal’ and ‘more equal’ in that process? Did all Poles become beneficiaries of the changes or is there a group of winners and on the margin there are wide social groups? After all, in the 90s of the last century millions of Poles became poor, losing their previous work and had a justified feeling of injustice. Whereas those who gained profits of life in the communist system, were better-off in the Third Polish Republic.

Today it is time to correct it. To build an authentic community and a country in solidarity with its citizens. To create Poland of our dreams.


„Niedziela” 3/2016

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl