Fr Ireneusz Skubis about the Church

Fr Mariusz Frukacz

The title of the latest book by the editor-in-chief of ‘Niedziela’ Rev. Msgr Ireneusz Skubis is ‘Wymiary Kosciola’ [The Dimensions of the Church]. The book has been published in the series of the Library of ‘Niedziela’ and is a continuation of his three publications concerning the Church ‘Moj Kosciol’ [My Church] (2004), ‘Z Kosciolem w codziennosc’ [With the Church into Daily Life] (2005) and ‘Byc w Kosciele to zobowiazuje’ [To be in the Church – a Commitment] (2006). It is a selection of his weekly editorials published in ‘Niedziela’ as well as his commentaries presented on the Archdiocesan Radio Fiat and in the radio studio of ‘Niedziela.’ As Cardinal Stanislaw Nagy notices in his foreword, Fr Skubis’s book ‘gives valuable materials to contemplate on the reality of the Church in the various aspects of her rich contents and pulsating life. The Author tries to divide the whole of this rapid stream of facts and events into different sections, which have one clear basic theme – «dimensions of the Church»’. In his texts the Author shows the divine-human reality of the Church – her pastoral character, her presence in everyday life, in parishes, in families. He also discusses the social dimension of the Church’s presence in Europe and in the world. He devotes much attention to the matter of vocations in the Church as well as to family as a school of faith and the meaning of prayer in believers’ lives. Moreover, he talks about Saint Benedict and the culture of Europe, about patriotism, family and immigration, media and man’s worldview, the ministry of Benedict XVI and the limits of pre-election struggle.
Rev. Msgr Ireneusz Skubis has been the editor-in-chief of ‘Niedziela’ since 1981. Earlier he was a students’ chaplain for many years. Currently, he is a bishop’s vicar for the means of social communication in the Archdiocese of Czestochowa. He has received many awards and distinctions including the Officer Cross of the Order of Restoration of Poland (2000), the Maximilian Maria Kolbe Award by the Association of Catholic Journalists (1995), the Wlodzimierz Pietrzak Award (1995) and the Karol Miarka Award (1998), the Platinum Laurel of Skills and Competence granted by the Regional Economic Chamber in Katowice (1998).

You can order the book by contacting
Redakcja Tygodnika Katolickiego ‘Niedziela’, ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, tel. (0-34) 365-19-17,

"Niedziela" 28/2008

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: