Lidia Dudkiewicz, The Editor-in-Chief of ‘Niedziela’

Will Poles be strong enough to go against the trend and facing up societies which are getting more and more atheist, materialized and often perverted, to prove that the world is governed by God….Poland has an important role to do in relation to the spreading culture of death. Recently we have heard a strong voice of pope Francis who compared eugenic abortion, that is, done because of illnesses and defects of a fetus, to the crime of the Nazis. ‘Last century the whole world was disgusted by what the Nazis had done to purify the human race. Today we are doing the same but in white gloves’ – said the Holy Father Killing an ill child to provide oneself a peaceful life was called infanticide by pope Francis.

Pope’s quoted statement is a very important voice addressed just to us now as Polish politicians are to make a decision worth human life. It is a few months since a civilian bill draft ‘Stop Abortion’ has been waiting in the Seym freezer to be discussed, and under which there are signatures by a nearly a million Poles. They demand on stopping killing unborn children because of being suspected to be ill. The attitude of pro-life activists was strengthened by various institutions, and recently by the General Procurator who sent his opinion to the Constitutional Tribunal, also pointing to the fact that killing children because of their suspected disabilities is incompatible with the constitution.

The majority of the Polish society is looking forward to accelerating actions of the Commission of Social Policy and Family, considering the civilian bill draft ‘Stop Abortion’ in order to stop killing ill children in the majesty of law.

Our mobilization is necessary as Poland is the last bastion of Christianity and normality in Europe, and also the last chance for the unborn. We cannot allow for returning to Ireland where during two generations the exemplary Catholic society changed into avant-garde of secularization and anti-Decalogue. As a result, at the testing moment which was the general referendum on 23 May this year, its citizens chose death. A crushing majority of votes was for repealing the constitutional protection of the unborn life. We can expect that after what happened in Ireland, also the pressure of pro-abortion groups onto Catholic Poland will rise. At this breakthrough moment we must hear the call of cardinal Robert Sarah that we must go against the trend and oppose to all kinds of law against life and against family. Recently he has said in France that the western society decided to get organized without God and put consumption, profit and individualism in the main place. So, there appeared spaces of darkness, lie and egoism, fed with the noise of this world stifling the voice of conscience. ‘The western society deprived of God’s Light does not respect elderly people, be with the ill on their way to death, make a place for the poorest and the weakest. It can only offer emptiness and nothingness. The maddest ideologies are allowed to spread. The western society without God cannot become a home for ethical and moral terrorism of the Islamists’ – cardinal Sarah warns. He calls us to save civilization through inviting God to the centre of our life. This message must be heard by Poles whom every society trusts and is trying to get free from the decadency of the western world.

Translated by Aneta Amrozik

Niedziela 25/2018 (24 IV 2018)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: