Lidia Dudkiewicz, The Editor-in-Chief of ‘Niedziela’

It is hard to believe but so far we have not realized that false stereotypes about Poland were built on the global scale. Reaction of our groups to the novelization of the Polish bill about the National Remembrance Institute, envisaging punishing for slandering the Polish nation helped us realize that we are dealing with a powerful strategy building anti-Polish history for a long time. The world opinion was uncritically spreading the historic lie, and now it is getting outraged that Poles are demanding the truth. We are completely surprised that the blind machine of lies in reference to the Second World War managed to get spread so much. It happened that there are attempts to present Poles as executioners and anti-Semites although they had more harm during the Second World War. Because of the false narration it is impossible to accept the truth about the German death camps and about Poles saving Jews.

Now when masks of false ideologists fell down, Poland, being slapped, started speaking, although anti-Semites groups do not want to listen to explanations about the bill of the National Remembrance Institute, do not want to get to know the cruel complex reality of the German war occupation. Moreover, they do not want to remember the Polish suffering during the war, do not want to hear that Poles as the only nation were punished with death for helping Jews. Indeed confrontation actions undertaken by Polish authorities meet vanity and world media are still spreading the spiral of accusations against our country, the fact is that finally there started a battle for remembrance, a battle for the truth about Poles.

It turns out that at the time of unmasking the historic lie, the most outrage is among some Jews who are accusing Poles of participation in Holocaust. It may be related to the bill no 447 awaiting a signature of the president of the United States, which grants the Department of State a right to support Jewish organizations in regaining their properties of the Holocaust victims all over the world, also in Poland. An example of insolent manipulating the historic truth in order to achieve particular purposes is a professionally prepared scandalous clip of the Jewish Ruderman Family Foundation. This clip, going beyond all kinds of absurd, whose main characters say about ‘Polish Holocaust’, was released on YouTube at 10 a.m. (European time), when in the United States there was still night – so its purpose was to be watched by as many Poles as possible and to scare them. It was followed by an action of Jewish organizations which began collecting signatures under a petition calling the White House for suspending diplomatic relations with Poland till the bill of the National Remembrance Institute would be rejected. This action even spread onto the streets of Israel where banners slandering Poland were hung up. Whereas evidence for Poles’ heroic behaviours towards the Jews are so close. The Yad Vash Institute clearly documents that nobody in the world has done more for Jews than Poles. The implication of the whole action is that the authors of the lying campaign will leave us alone only when we resign from the truth and will keep silent. All this looks grotesque – it seems that in a while we may be accused of causing the Second World War… and just the novelization of the bill of the National Remembrance Institute, being implemented on 1 Translated by Aneta Amrozik

Niedziela 9/2018 (4 III 2018)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl