We hear the words on media more and more frequently: jihad, the jihads. They were not very popular in Poland a few year ago. However, the Islamic movement, being dormant so far, has woken up, which resulted in murdering the Christians. As possible as it is, so that in the XXI century there would appear whole formations of people who are involved in killing the others? Acts of terror from the Islamists has also touched Europe. We are mainly terrified by the fact that there can be so much hatred and cruelty in people. But are we, the Christians, who used to be pointed to: ‘Look at them, how they love one another’, much better? Do not we see that hatred has spread too much in our hearts? The wave of hatred is seen in our politics. If we look at the last years, at the time before the catastrophe at Smoleńsk, we will see how it touched the president of the Polish Republic Lech Kaczyński. Only after his death did we find out how intelligent and noble that man had been righteous, loving his family. How could he hold his office if he had not been so attacked, criticized, mocked at…

The background of hatred and dangerous political conflict in our country is astonishing. What is surprising is the fact that we are dealing with the so-called hard opposition. After the election which was won by the Law and Justice party, at once there appeared the front of severe fighting with this party. Everything done by the authority meets with criticism and protest, sometimes according to the rule: no – because no. We are still impressed by the obstruction in the Seym from the end of last year, when the Seym hall was blocked and the work of the parliament was made impossible. There are a lot of similar examples, which make us ridiculous in the eyes of the world. Unfortunately, the recent fact, with participation of the society, took place after the accident of the prime minister Beata Szydło, when – beside, certainly, a lot of signs of sympathy and care – on Internet there appeared loads of various entries and comments full of hatred and ordinary lack of good manners. How was it inhuman, how non-Polish…..

Does it mean that we have to be scared of our Polish brothers? What is the reason for it? We have also seen that it was not permitted to organize a devotion in the intention of the victims of the catastrophe at Smoleńsk on 10 February this year when Jarosław Kaczyński told the gathered about the accident in Oświęcim, as a result of which the prime minister got injured, one could hear whistling, malicious hints – wild joy of wild people.

We must really think on our behavior, whether we do not succumb to manipulation of bad people too much. Because nothing justifies the lack of sympathy – not to say joy about somebody’s tragedy! – imprecations and words of hatred. Somebody noted that it is Polish jihad. Let these words be a warning for us, what consequences might be when one follows this road.


„Niedziela” 09/2017

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl