The most important battle of today’s Poland is taking place – this is a battle for the soul and heart of the Polish nation, in which the good and evil are fighting with each other. It is clearly seen after the black Monday on the streets of Polish cities and the black Thursday in the Seym of the Polish Republic. ‘If you think that dictators, politicians, businessmen decide about the fates of the world, this film will free you from illusion’ – these words were accompanying the premiere of the film ‘A mystery of mysteries. A real story of saving Poland and the world’, showing the victory of Mary in Poland possessed by communist totalitarianism. When I saw the ‘Mystery of mysteries’, I found a confirmation of the fact that the Polish soul has Mary’s face. The film on the background of the world and Church situation in the second half of XX century shows events connected with the beginning of Jasna Góra Vows of the Polish Nation. We see when on 26 August 1956, despite persecutions of the nation and Church by communists, nearly a million of Poles arrive in Częstochowa, stand at the walls of Jasna Góra and take vow to live according to God’s law. And later the Great Novena of preparations for the millennium ceremonies celebrated in 1966 begins. This spiritual renewal preceded the Polish nation’s act of devoting itself to Mary in the intention of Church freedom in the contemporary world. It was the most important spiritual act after Poland baptism, renewed a few months ago, on 3 May 2016. And this is just the weapon to win the battle for Poland.

History confirms effectiveness of the road of the three great Polish cardinals: cardinal August Hlond, saying that ‘when victory comes, it will be the victory of Mary’, cardinal Stefan Wyszyński with his ‘Soli Deo per Mariam’ and cardinal Karol Wojtyła, who entrusted himself to Mary – ‘Totus Tuus’. The rosary prayer, especially the one said publicly, has changed the course of history of nations many times, also the history of the Polish nation. The efficiency of the public prayer said by many people together, is proven by great breakthrough events in history. This was the Miracle at Lepanto on 7 October 1571 – when the fates of Christian Europe under the onslaught of Islam were decided about, pope Pius V called the whole Christian world to the rosary prayer in the intention of the victory over Islam. Whereas victory at Vienna was the victory won on 12 September 1683 over the Turks by the Polish king Jan III Sobieski. Although he was fighting, using weapon, he had great facilities of prayer, mainly from inhabitants of Cracow, who often stopped their daily activities to say the rosary prayer for the victory at Vienna. And on 3 October 1621 before the victory at Chocim, a picture of Our Lady of the Rosary was brought out into the streets of Cracow and all inhabitants of the city were walking in a procession. Let’s also mention the ‘Miracle at the Vistula’ in August 1920, gained through a prayer.

If the previous generations experienced the miracles through the rosary prayer, we also should pray for them. For this purpose, the Starry Procession of Rosary was used, which on 8 October 2016 took place in the streets of many Polish cities. The further part of spirit mobilization took place on 15 October 2016, when at the walls of Jasna Góra there was the Great Penance, really needed especially now when the nation is divided and there is a fierce fight of death and life civilizations. – This is a moment requiring a quick and clear answer of each of us – according to organizers of the Great Penance. We should not stop our prayer, but remember that Our Lady said in Fatima: ‘The generation of the Immaculate Heart will overcome the generation of satan’.


„Niedziela” 42/2016

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl